Game Manuals

Here are the two game manuals for the two available games. Each manual has a separate front  and back  file. You need to download each and then print on each side of a piece of paper.

Click here for instructions about how to fold the paper after you have printed on both sides.

Retris 2007


Advanced Construction Manual

There is no "assembly" manual for the "Science Day" version of the RetroGame. See the Science Day presentation below for these instructions.

Below are a set of minimalistic instructions for assembling the RetroGame from parts. The manual has a separate front  and back  file. You need to download each and then print on each side of a piece of paper.

Click here for instructions about how to fold the paper after you have printed on both sides.

Science Day Construction & Presentation

The PowerPoint presentation for Science Day provided the introduction to video game electronics as well as step by step instructions for putting the game together. Note that the PDF version of the presentation has rather messed-up letter spacing for many parts of the presentation (very odd, but I haven't taken the time to fix it yet). For the true fonts, see the PowerPoint version.